Monday, October 6, 2008

Deathwatch Opinion

Now that you've finished reading Deathwatch, please share your opinion(s) of the book. Here are some things that you may choose to include:
  1. Things you liked (eg. funny, suspenseful, believable, lots of action, good description, etc.)

  2. Things you disliked,

  3. Whether you enjoyed the book or not,

  4. How you would rate the book,

  5. Someone who might enjoy reading this book and why,

  6. What the author could have changed to make the book better,

  7. Propose a different ending,

  8. etc.

Don't forget that it's important to show your understanding of the story in your blog entry! Explain your opinions. You may be able to include proof from the story. If so, remember to use quotation marks and an ellipsis.


kyle said...

Deathwatch was a book that I had enjoyed alot. It is the style of book that I tend to choose becuase these books have alot of suspense. There was a couple places in the book where the author could have made it more exciting. The first part was when Ben was up on the butte just sitting there,knowing Madec was sitting down below where Madec couldnt reach Ben. I think Madec could have gone up and they had a chase for more suspense. I really thought the description of Ben climbing the butte was excellent. You could really feel Ben's pain. The ending made me want to read on. It provoked anger in me as I thought Ben was going to be charged with Madec's Crime. This book I would give it four stars and recommend to people that like an adventure-suspense novel.

By:Kyle Gyurindak

Evan said...

I think Death Watch was a good book, but I hated the ending. First if I hadn’t killed Madec with the slingshot then I would have definitely charged him. He made me stay in the desert for three days with nothing and shot at me. I think Ben’s character was all wrong. They said he was bad tempered but he didn’t charge Madec and didn’t kill him when he had the chance. I agree with Tom. I would have liked more gun battles or more intense ones where Ben maybe gets hit with a bullet. If Madec were going to shoot close to Ben to scare him he should have just shot Ben and got it over with, but that wouldn’t make for a good book so its okay. Since Ben didn’t kill Madec I think it would have been better if Ben and Madec were brought to court and Madec made a mistake when being cocky which causes him to be found guilty in the end. Overall the book had good suspense and was good enough for me to care about the ending.


caitlyn said...

In my opinion, Deathwatch was a great novel. I thought that it was a suspenseful novel though there were some spots where the suspense should have been stronger. I also thought that the author used good description throughout the book. It made me feel as if I were actually there with Ben. For example, when Ben was in court, all the events he told were described well.

I was glad that Hondurak, Sherrif Ham and the doctor all believed Ben's version of the events in the desert- the truth. I think that Madec should have been more unfortunate and received a more painful wound. In the end he was just sent to jail; that was unsatisfying! I wish that Madec would have died in the desert. I didn't like when Ben decided to only report an accident instead of attempted murder. I really thought that Ben should have charged Madec. I agree with Maggie and I also dislike Madec for all the terrible things he put Ben through.

I would recommend this novel to anyone who likes suspenseful and action-filled stories. I would rate Deathwatch 4 out of 5 stars.

By Caitlyn

drayson bridge said...

the book im reading is A WEEK IN THE WOODS.i like it because it had alot of adventure and suspense

Thomas said...

DeathWatch was an interesting book,because of all the ways Ben thought of to survive.One thing I did not like is when Ben scalled the cliff. I dont think that it would be possible to climb the cliff with no equipment,it seems a little impossible.

A fact I liked is how he found the slingshot and how he learned how to use it to find food. With the slingshot and the pond he could survive, because now Ben had food and water at his disposal.

I think the ending was dumb, because all that Madec got for puting Ben through all that was some time in jail. He should have been punished for what he did.

Death watch in a lot of ways was related to The Worlds Most Dangerous games because both Medec and General Zarrof put Ben and Rainsford through a lot.

The author Rob White put lots of detail into the book which got boring after a while, he put to much detail.

I would give this book a 4 out of 5.

By Thomas Denton

Nicole Fenn said...

The book Deathwatch is a very interesting book and has various moments of suspense. At those points I found myself not able to put the book down. But it also was very boring at times and at those points i wanted to put the book down but knew I had to keep reading.
My favorite part of the book is when Ben digs himself a hole and hides in it then gets out and burns the tent down. And then shoots Madec with the slingsot 3 times and gets the Jeep keys and wraps Madec hands and feet together and puts him in the back. And goes to get the old man's dead body.
I did not like the part when Ham didn't beleive Ben's story yet he beleived Madec's because Madec's was more beleivable. But then the doctor beleives Ben because he sees the gun shot wound on his arm.
I think that Madec deserved being shot by the slingshot and I think he should have went to jail.
I think that my brother would like this book because he likes suspense books and books that invole shooting and killing in them.
I rate this book 8/10.

By:Nicole Fenn


The book we were assigned to read was Deathwatch i think the ending could have been better if i was ben i would have hurt madec far worse than ben did i would have broken his legs and his arms and at the end when ben says hes "here to report an accident"i would have charged madec with every thing i could justify to charge him with also i would have done to madec what he did to ben give him no water or food and make him eat raw quail and a raw whiptail lizard anyway in my opinion madec should have gotten off way worse than he did in the book

drayson bridge said...

the book im reading is A WEEK IN THE WOODS
.the book is good because there is adventure and suspense. mark should go in the slave area because that would be a better adventure because if there was a slave left that would be awesome and then mark would have to figh the slave and then run away and find his way back home .

jared ellul said...

I throught deathwatch was a very interesting book. More fights and thrilling tasks could have it better.But I found the ending a bit boring becuase to be honest I dont like reading about the polices investagants.I liked the part about when ben climbs the butte becuase for somone to do that is amaizing with out climbing gear.Also I think of madec is cowardly for trying to kill ben in the desert over probbly a few months of jail.

chewboca said...

I thought Deathwatch was very exciting. I liked it because it was a book that I didn't want to put down because you never know if Ben will die or not.I thought when it said that Ben was under ground and Madec was coming.I thought that Ben was going to be found because of the straw that he was breathing out of.
The one part I hated was when Ham and Strick believed Madec instead of Ben because they thought Ben's story sounded to good to be true. I didn't like that part because one reason they didn't believe Ben was because he said he had a sling shot with him but he didn't.
I recommend this book to any one who likes thrilling and survivor storys.
By: Sami Dieleman.

FERGY said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ryan chin chin said...

I dislike the book Deathwatch because the Author Robb White put so much detail in the book is became boring and vary dull. I got vary bored though the middle of the book because there was so much detail.Allthough some times the Author Robb White needed to put detail in the book at special parts but not all the way through the book. I rate this book a 7 out of 10 just because there was so much detail.Also some time the book Deathwatch needed the detail.


I think Deathwatch wasn't an amazing book but it wasn't terrible either. I would recommend this story to my little brother when he is old enough to understand it . I would recommend it to him because he enjoys the torment and suffering of other people.

Sure I'd agree that it was well detailed but good detail doesn't help when the story is such a dry run through of events.
In the story on my oppinion, there was to much time spent doing nothing near the end why'll he is in the cave.

However some parts I did enjoy
was whenhe was searching the dead prospecter's camp because there are a lot of hope and disappointment times in that time. I would give this novel 4 out of 10

Simran Aulakh said...

Simran Aulakh said...
In my opinion, Deathwatch was a very interesting book, but at same times the book got pretty boring.

It was interesting because the whole concept had a tough, suspensful story behind it. It could grasp someones sympathy for Ben when he brutally struggled to avoid cold-hearted Madec. Relief washed through me when Ben finally succeded to get the dead body and report what Madec had done. I thought it would be and happy ending for him right there, but I was wrong. Instead Ben himself got put behind bars. In the end did he get out but he should have said he was their to report an murder, and not an accident because Madec deserved a life time in jail after what he did.

The boring parts in the book was when it was just over- detailed. For around two chapters, the book just went on about Ben climbing a butte. The author took too long for one event and needed to have a faster pace in the book.
Overall i'd rate this book 3/5 golden stars

Taylor said...

I think Deathwatch was an exciting book but at the same time I thought that it was boring. I think there should have been more suspense when Ben was buried under the sand and he couldn’t see where Madec had went and I think the author should have made it where Madec sees Ben in the sand and tries to shoot him. Before Ben turned Madec into the police, even though Ben had Madec tied up and shot him a couple of times, I think Ben was being a little too nice to Madec after he had left Ben in the desert for that long without any clothes, food or water. It kind of disappointed me at the end because Ben had to stay in jail when he hadn't done anything. I also felt bad for Ben because none of the police believe him that he didn’t shoot the old prospector, Madec did. At the end, I was glad because eventually Hondurak did. The author should have put in another chapter because it felt like there was more to come. He could have put in another chapter about how Madec was doing and if Ben went to another semester in college.

By: Taylor Caldwell

Anonymous said...

I thought Deathwatch was a fairly well writen book. It had some parts I liked and some I didn't. One thing I liked was how quickly the author got into the main part of the story. I didn't mined the part when Ben was being acused. I also liked near the end how Ben got off the butte, hid, and attacked Madec. Although I was suprised that in the end Ben didn't kill Madec or even want to charge him for all he had been through. One part I didn't like was when Ben was climbing the butte. That part was extremely descriptive but I thought it was too descriptive because while I was reading it I was very bored and thought I would hate the rest of the book. Luckily for me the rest of the book was very interesting.
I liked this book and would recomend this book to anyone who likes suspence fiction stories. I would rate this book an eight out of ten. I am glad that I had to read the book Deathwatch.

Patrick Sharman said...

In my opinion Deathwatch was a very intriguing and exciting book. It was very well written and it kept me guessing for entire read. One of the things that I really thought was interesting was when Ben used all his strength and wits to climb the butte and when he thought of the plan to bury himself in the sand right next to Madec’s camp. The only thing I have to say that disappointed me was when Madec and Ben had their brief showdown. I believe that section would have been much more interesting if Madec had the opportunity to fire at Ben and then pursue him in a chase.
I would recommend this book to Nathan Andrews. I believe he would enjoy this book because he has an interest in survival and adventure books, much like I.
This book relates in various ways to the short story The Most Dangerous Game. Both stories have numerous similarities such as Rainsfords acts a lot like Ben and Madec portrays a lot of the characteristics of General Zaroff.
Overall Deathwatch is an exciting action filled novel with suspense around every corner apart from its minor drawback. Overall I would give it four out of five.
By: Patrick Sharman

Maggie McNeilly said...

I thought Deathwatch was a very well-written novel. I thought that especially at the end, the book was suspenseful. I did not know if Ben would ever find food or water in the desert, end up killing Madec or if he would end up going to jail in the end. I also felt the book was usually descriptive.
I thought that Hondurak and Barowitz were very harsh on Ben and did not give him much understanding at all, but I am glad that Hondurak ended up believing Ben.
There were not too many parts that I didn’t like, but I thought that the ending seemed slightly cut off on the last page. I wish the author would have written an epilogue telling if Ben did end up going back to college for another semester and what ended up happening to Madec.
I really liked some of the challenges that Ben had to go through. I thought that the part when Ben burried himself in the sand would have been really exciting if the autor wrote more about it. But unfortunately when Ben got up, Madec was already gone from the campsite.
I wish that Ben would have chosen to charge Madec with intent to commit murder and assult with a deadly weapon because I think Madec would have deserved it.
Overall I would rate this book with 3/5 stars. The score definately would have gone up if the ending had been changed.

Karly Andreychuk said...

I thought Deathwatch was a cool book. I think when Ben dug himself a hole and hid in it that was really clever. I thought it was suspenseful when you dont know whether or not he was going to jail. I think that Madec got what he deserved because he KILLED someone, and he tried to kill Ben, and then he thought he could get away with it.
The one part I didnt like was when Strick and Ham didnt believe Ben because they thought that Ben had killed the old man. I was glad when the doctor came to the rescue by showing them the slingshot which proved Ben's story was true. I think my brother would like this book because he will only read books that keep him entertained and this book would. I would rate this book 4 out of 5 stars.

chamberlain said...

The novel Deathwatch was a very suspenseful book. It is not a book that i took great interest in, because killing others is not appealing to me. Although I would suggest this novel to people that are into shoting and killing. I thought that the novel Deathwatch started out excellent, but gradually lost interest towards the end.

I thought that the end of the novel was unfinished. It seemed cut off. One thing that I did enjoy about the novel was how the author left alot of clifthangers it realy made the readers want to read all the way to the the end.

I thought that Ben would shot Madec as soon as he got the chance to, but instead he made a deal. when he knew that deals with madec always got twisted around. If somebody such as Madec hade the nerve to make me survie in a swelting hot desert, as soon as I get then chance to revenge i would. i would be to afraid to take chances. chances is what ben did, he went into town knowing that Madec would come up with a believable story and put Ben in jail. I also thought that after all Madec had put Ben though that he should receive a much harsher punishment then he did.

After reading Deathwatch I would rate it 3 out of 5 stars.It was not the best novel i have ever read but it was very suspenseful and very actionbacked. If that is a type of novel of your interest then it probably would be book that you would enjoy.

By; Sarah Chamberlain

ryan chin chin said...

The book Deathwatch by Robb White was a good book. I liked most of the book it was just boreing in some parts. The part I disliked the most was in the book there was so much detail it just got boreing after a while. If I had to rate this book it would be a 4 out of 5 because there was just so much detail it just made me not want to read the book. I liked most of the book but just when ben is on the Butte and madec is under him, I would make it more interesting for the reader because in that part while I was reading in my bed before I go to bed i would fall asleep because it just got vary boreing for me. If i were to change the ending of the book i would make it longer because it felt like the autor Robb White had to end the book fast, also i would make some of the parts more interesing and take out all of the unneeded detail in the book.

tori said...

I thought the book Deathwatch was well written. I enjoyed this book because it was suspenseful, although I thought that some parts could have gone into more detail as well more interesting. The part where Ben set Madec's tent on fire, I think it would have been more interesting if Madec had heard or saw Ben in the tent and shot him on the run or get back to it. This way Ben could have been shot and hurt or have to hide fast. It would make things more exciting. Something that the author could have mentioned was what Madec did in the hospital or how he got there. Also the story Madec told to Hondurak, Ham and Strick could have been mentioned.

What I liked about the book was that at the end of the chapters he put in a sentence that encouraged you to read on. I liked how the author made you keep on guessing what was going to happen next.

What I didn't like was that I felt like the end of the book was cut off, I thought it should of went into another chapter so it wouldn’t be as rushed. To me, it seemed like anything Ben said to Ham they said that that wasn't what Madec had told them. It was like they sided with Madec because his story was more believable. Also what I didn’t like was that the author spent too much time telling about when Ben was on the butte. He put in too much detail and it made the story boring.

Although I thought that Madec should have been punished more for what he put Ben through and that the author could have made a few changes, I would rate this book a seven out of ten. Overall I thought this book was well done. I would recommend this book to readers who enjoy suspense and action novels.

By: Tori Caldwell

Mr. Monteith said...

Although I did like "Deathwatch", there were parts that I didn't like. I enjoy survival stories because they usually involve a lot of problem-solving opportunities. The movie, "Castaway," and the novel, "Hatchet," are stories that are similar to "Deathwatch". The main characters faced a great deal of adversity and had to find ways to overcome those difficulties in order to survive. In "Deathwatch" Ben had to make his own footwear, find food and water, and overcome Madec. Every step of the way, Madec was trying to stop Ben from being successful. Ben seemed to have no chance, but I kept rooting for him to survive.
I also like when good overcomes evil. Ben symbolized good while Madec was certainly the bad guy. I actually hoped that Ben would kill Madec when Ben came down the butte. I was also very frustrated when it appeared that everyone was believing Madec's made-up story rather than Ben's true one. I felt like yelling at everyone to let them know that they were making a big mistake. I think that Robb White did a good job of writing because he really made me hate Madec. When you can bring out emotions in your audience, you've done a good job of creating your characters.
I really enjoyed the suspense in this novel as well. My favorite part took place when Ben buried himself in the sand. I could actually picture myself in his place. I understood his anxiety and worried about what was going to happen next. I couldn't put the book down at that point.
I didn't like the part of the book that described Ben's climb up the mountain. The action slowed too much and the detail of the climb became very confusing. I had to reread the part where Ben crossed the "V." There seemed to be a lot of time spent thinking about what to do next rather than actually doing anything.
I also didn't like the ending of the story. The doctor's testimony seemed too fake. He just happened to show up and save the day. I liked the part about the hornet shells not causing any bleeding, but I found it hard to believe that the deputy didn't find the slingshot at the hospital or that the doctor didn't turn over the evidence earlier. I would like to have seen the evidence result in Madec's arrest and I think that Ben should have pressed charges for assault and attempted murder.
I would give this story 4 out of 5 stars.
I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoyed reading "The Most Dangerous Game," or "Hatchet," since the stories were similar in many ways.

Olivia said...

Deathwatch was well written, it was very suspensful and it had well discription through out the entire book. At some points I found it hard to put the book down, but then agian at other points all I wanted to do was put it down. I admit i do not like to read all that much so to get myself to read it has to be a thrilling or mysterious novel and Deathwatch was just not the right one for me.
The part i didn't get was when Ben burried himself in the sand hidding from Madec but when Ben heard footsteps coming closer and closer, so close that Ben felt the pressure from the sand compressing why didnt Madec shoot Ben? Another thing i did not understand was the punishment that Madec had gotten? Madec had put Ben through so much that you would think that there would be a greater punishment for Madec.
Madec and Ben are two very different people. Madec is a cold hearted man who is selfish and rude. Ben on the other hand is very confident, clever and trustworthy. Ben is very confident in himself for thinking that he could actually survive in the steaming hot dessert with no clothes, water or food while being hunted.
Overall I would rate this book a 7 out of 10.

Anna Reintsma said...

I enjoyed Deathwatch alot.It was very suspenseful and descriptive.At some points I couldn't put the book down.

My favorite part of the book was how Madec was almost always one step ahead of Ben.I also liked when the docter was talking about which shot killed the old man,but Madec's attorney's tried to say he wasn't smart enough to know.

I disliked when no one believed Bens story because Madec's lie was more believable.I also thought that Robb White could have made the book more interesting if he added a bit more conflict at the begining when Madec first leaves Ben in the desert.

Overall I would rate Deathwatch 4 out of 5 stars.I would recommend this book to anyone my age or older , who like suspenceful books.

By:Anna Reintsma

Scott Jensen said...

I think Deathwatch was a very good novel with lots of adventure and suspence. I think this is a great book for people that don't really like to read. I would reccomend to guys that like a lots of adventure and suspence

I liked the book alot, but I think there should be more gun fights and chases. The thing i didn't get was the very end because he didn't even testify against Madec.

I liked the way the author put tones of detail and how at the end of each chapter he made something exiting happen, making you want to keep reading.

by: Scott

Streiby said...

The novel Deathwatch is a very interesting book, with many different and suspenceful twists. There were many moments where I could not put the book down, usually books like this wouldn't be my first choise but, I really started to get into the book. For me the very first two chapters and the last capter where the most boring for me. In the beginning it only introduced a couple of problems that I would say weren't at all interesting. By the time I reached the third and fourth chapters, I was really engoying it. By the last chapter I was kind of bored because all they talked about was what had happened out in the desert. I'm sure that a lot of people would agree that the ending could be a little bit different, so that they don't just talk about the accident. But it was interesting that in the very end of chapter 17 that the sherrif, the doctor and the human rights man Mr. Hondurak belived Ben.

I thought that the characters were really thought out because you could predict what would happen and it would be something that you would have never thought of. I espechally enjoyed Bens character when he was living off of the land and outsmarting Madec. Ben was also very smart because he would make a plan or a trap and it would follow through perfectly!

I would recommend this book to people who love suspence, and twist in every chapter of the story that keep you reading on the edge of your seat. A lot of boys would like this story, but girls would become attached once they started reading.

By: Carlie Streib

Tristan said...

Deathwatch was an excellent book it lot of suspenseful and had lots of adventure and action between Ben and Madec. I like the parts of the book where Ben had to survive with no shoes or clothes like the the part where he made the nest and the sotol leaves the part that I disliked was the one where he was climbing whit no equipment.
If I was going to rate this book I would put 5 out of 10. Someone who would like this book would have to like adventure books and suspense.

Taylor Stone said...

The book Deathwatch is very interesting it's a book I wouldn't chose by myself.I'm sure other people loved this book.It just didn't appealle to me.My favorite parts to this book were when Ben hid in the sand with the tubes and how Madec was arrested ,but i think madec should have not gotten off so lightly like he should gotten the electric chair for murder and attepded murder.But on the other side i think i would have recomended this book to some people that like this kind of book.Deathwatch is a wonderful book.

Taylor Stone

FERGY said...

The book Deathwatch is an ok book i did not like the the part when Ben had the chance to kill Madec and he didn't. One part that was cool when Ben used the tubes to breath when he barred him shelf in the sand. If i would recmend this book to a friend i would ask them if they like adventure books and long books with not much action the action is in blobs in the book.I rated this book a 6.3 out of 10. I gave this the mark i did because it was hard to fallow in some parts like when Madec is climbing up the clife. thsts what i thought of the book Deathwatch.

Madison Ferguson